Mixtron mechanical proportional volumetric dosing pumps use waterpower as the prime driving power to mix and create an emulsified solution, always proportional to the water volume at the doser inlet and unaffected by variations in flow rate or pressure. Thanks to their features, the dosing pumps do not require an electrical power supply, making for a practical and flexible solution.

The MX.150.P110 is powered by water flow, with minimal loss of pressure. The water engine powers the proportioning unit. No external power is required. The proportioning unit injects coolant in direct relation to the amount of water that passes through the motor and injects the coolant into the water system.
Q: Why choose a Mixtron mechanical dosing pump vs. a venturi mixer?
A: CNC coolant is an emulsified mixture of coolant concentrate and water. By adding the dispersed phase of the emulsion (coolant) to the continuous phase (water) a mechanical dosing pump creates a more stable emulsification of the two, which lowers foaming, reduces consumption and decreases residues.
A venturi mixer reverses the process, adding the continuous phase (water) to the dispersed phase (coolant) resulting in a less stable reverse emulsion, leading to poor coolant performance and other issues.